Monday, April 27, 2009

Voices of Violence

I cannot teach you violence, as I do not myself believe in it. I can only teach you not to bow your heads before any one even at the cost of your life. -Mahatma Ghandi. I believe that violence is only achieved through personal opinions, acts that stand out in particular situations, and basically anything that one or more people have a problem with. As well as perhaps, killing someone, clearly that is upsetting and may spark a form of violence in any which way possible. For instance, on a small scale, this blog may ignite the minds of some due to my opinion and spark violence towards me and perhaps create a conflict. Drugs, drugs, and more drugs. More recently watching Global National in the mornings and during dinner with my mom has become a bit depressing, hearing about yet another person being shot or murdered is not my take on life. Apparently these have been drug related, gang related, or a form of group related dollar hungry people out to make a dollar. I don't see why the government hasn't capitalized on this fast growing industry. Yes, drugs do have ups and downs but who cares in our society, the economy is down and we all would do anything for yet another dollar. Laws, the government, government laws, and the people who enforce these laws also trigger a large amount of violence themselves. Yet they are completely oblivious to it, again we follow up to Vancouver when an airport security occupant decided it was necessary to take the situation under his radical control and taze a man in distress. Of course the man in distress was of foreign descent, why do we have such a problem with foreign people, when did we forget about equality? Media, false portrayals, and over exaggeration usually only gives us the tail end of certain situations. My take on the United States and war on "terrorism" may be bias because I'm not totally educated on the topic however, besides the religious differences in the countries in the middle east and beyond, I have yet to see these weapons of mass destruction, violent acts towards the western world, and terrorists in general. Which also brings me into common issues that I have witnessed cause violence in our society as well. Religion, it is the one simple most easy topic to argue about and hold grudges too. With this new Scientology look on religion, all of the sudden it is completely far fetched to have your own beliefs and do what you want. Aliens, crops circles, yadda yadda yadda, sounds like the bible to me, yet this is my own opinion. Why can't anyone live with the fact that some people have different goals and values than others, that's a given when you acquire the common sense trait. Everyone rags, beats and destroys things due to opinions and other ridiculous forms of conformity due too trendy disfigured portraits fed to us through the media and other forms of mental stimulation. We cannot live with or without violence its a part of our society, always will be from dragons, monsters, knights, swords and shields to the push of a button and the power of blowing up a country. We can all sleep with one eye open hoping to see that of a utopic world, but in reality...not all of us can win the lottery, but we can hope.

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